Sunday, June 24, 2012

Should I or Shouldn't I... Have my child's Birthday Party at Home?!?!

Its that time of year again and you have found yourself pondering on what you should do for your childs birthday. For some parents, planning their child's birthday party has become as complicated as hosting a formal state dinner where the standard fare now includes goodie bags, paid entertainment such as a musician or clown, and food choices. So many questions spring to mind!!! Besides the regular task of figuring out who should get invited or what activites you should have for the kids, you find yourself asking whether or not you should have the party at home or at a local venue.

Well, maybe this will help!!! There are many reasons to throw your childs birthday party at home...

1) Your child would not just become a number on a door and have limited time to enjoy the space set up for the party.
2) You can have a BIG impact for LESS!!!
3) Throwing a party at home gives you an opportunity to tap into your creative side.
4) Your child will be able to show off their toys.
5) Having the party at home will be more memorable for the child.
6) As the parent you will be able to SAVE the money that you would have spent on occupying a space.
7) You will be able to include your child in the party planning process!!!

On the other hand, there are many that would say you shouold not have your childs birthday party at home... Here are their reasons why...

1) You have more to do to keep the party going and the children entertained.
2) If you are throwing the party in your home you take the risk of something being broke.
3) You will have to deal with the guests that wont leave at an appropriate time and linger around.
4) You may end up with more guests than expected.

The bottom line is that everyone is different and there are always various opinions on what a good birthday party is.  Check out all options and do what is best for your family and especially your child. You know your child and have an idea of what would please them!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking of arranging a nice birthday party for my child so will book one of New York venues for it. Have heard that it’s quite famous venue and provides best services. Want to have an enjoyable day for all invited children.

